Breast Cancer Screening in Junior High

By ACSH Staff — Jun 22, 2009
Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Senator Amy Klobuchar have not withdrawn their proposal to introduce breast cancer screening in junior high school, despite the warnings of the chief physician of the American Cancer Society, an NIH cancer prevention expert, and a prominent breast cancer epidemiologist, all of whom believe that the bill could do more harm than good. As usual, ACSH staffers agree with legitimate medical professionals. This is a ridiculous proposal, says ACSH's Dr. Elizabeth Whelan. Still, it is difficult to criticize an idea that sounds so proactive.

Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Senator Amy Klobuchar have not withdrawn their proposal to introduce breast cancer screening in junior high school, despite the warnings of the chief physician of the American Cancer Society, an NIH cancer prevention expert, and a prominent breast cancer epidemiologist, all of whom believe that the bill could do more harm than good.

As usual, ACSH staffers agree with legitimate medical professionals. This is a ridiculous proposal, says ACSH's Dr. Elizabeth Whelan. Still, it is difficult to criticize an idea that sounds so proactive.

This legislation is getting support because who could oppose an effort to reduce breast cancer? asks ACSH's Jeff Stier.

Though a worthy endeavor, the bill might not be as effective as hoped. If they start screening junior high students, the number of false positives would go up dramatically, explains ACSH's Dr. Gilbert Ross. So will health care costs when young women are incorporated into the health care system for tests and treatments that they don t need and which are quite likely to do more harm than good.