In Case You're Still Worried

By ACSH Staff — Dec 04, 2009
Yet another story confirms the obvious fact that cell phones do not cause brain cancer. According to HealthDay News, "A thirty-year examination of the incidents of brain tumors in Scandinavia found no substantial change in prevalence even after cell phone use became widespread, according to the report in the Dec. 3 online edition of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute."

Yet another story confirms the obvious fact that cell phones do not cause brain cancer. According to HealthDay News, "A thirty-year examination of the incidents of brain tumors in Scandinavia found no substantial change in prevalence even after cell phone use became widespread, according to the report in the Dec. 3 online edition of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute."

"They didn't exactly give cell phones a clean bill of health," says ACSH's Dr. Gilbert Ross. "Even the authors of the study say we have to keep surveying in case the effects show up later. This scare story just won't go away. It reminds me of the alleged links between powerlines and cancer, and between vaccines and autism. There are just certain ideas that settle into peoples' brains, and all of the data, epidemiology, and science that you offer to refute them does no good."