'The COVID Blues' - A Song of the Times.

By Josh Bloom — Oct 04, 2020
Here’s a song about living in the time of COVID. Sing along. Laugh, Throw things. Whatever.
Photo: Flickr









(Sung to the tune of...every other blues song - it doesn't matter)

(C7) I wake up in the morning,

(C7) I turn on the TV, 

(C7)The same damn thing is always staring at me.


Image: WHO


(G7) It's got a coat of protein,

(G7) A core of R-N-A

(C7) It's screwin' up my life in every possible way.


(G7) Oh, listen to me, baby,

(F7) I got the CO-VID

(C7) Blues!


Harmonica - Take it away!

(Harmonica solo by a guy with puke in his beard)


(C7) I ain't got toilet paper,

(C7) To clean up my behind,

(C7) I have a carrot scraper... but I ain't so inclined...


(G7)  I think I'm going crazy,

(G7) I really wanna scream...

(C7)  Cause when I sleep I see Wolf Blitzer in my dreams


(F7) Oh, listen to me, baby,

(F7) I got the CO-VID

(C7) Blues!

(F7) I'm locked down in New York City

(G7) And I ain't got nothing to 

(C7) Do... 















Josh Bloom

Director of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Science

Dr. Josh Bloom, the Director of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Science, comes from the world of drug discovery, where he did research for more than 20 years. He holds a Ph.D. in chemistry.

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