Could new baby carrot campaign increase vegetable consumption?

By ACSH Staff — Sep 27, 2010

The New York Times reported Friday that we naughty Americans just don’t seem to be eating our vegetables. Only 23 percent of our meals include a vegetable, according to a report released last week, while a CDC study last month concluded only 26 percent of the nation’s adults eat vegetables three or more times a day.

ACSH staffers said that seemed like an impossible amount. “I know very few adults who eat vegetables three or more times a day,” says Dr. Ross.

Thankfully, there may be at least a partial solution at hand. Baby-carrot growers are trying to make their products “cool” and “edgy” with a new $25 million advertising campaign that urges people to “eat ‘em like junk food.”

For trick-or-treaters, there will be special Halloween-packaging for “scarrots” that come with glow-in-the-dark tattoos, and of course there’s a requisite YouTube video.

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