Dr. Bloom s new blog

By ACSH Staff — Oct 18, 2011
If you happen to be a fan of ACSH Director of Pharmaceutical Sciences Dr. Josh Bloom s frequently irreverent interjections in our Dispatch, we recommend that you check out his blog posts over at Medical Progress Today, where he will be a regular contributor. There, he will have more space to devote to analyzing select issues with his customary cheekiness.

If you happen to be a fan of ACSH Director of Pharmaceutical Sciences Dr. Josh Bloom s frequently irreverent interjections in our Dispatch, we recommend that you check out his blog posts over at Medical Progress Today, where he will be a regular contributor. There, he will have more space to devote to analyzing select issues with his customary cheekiness. Yesterday s posting was his initial offering, and of course we here wish him and MPT well!

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