climate change

“Rise in heart disease may be explained by extreme weather conditions,” ABC News reported last week.
All of “God’s creatures,” from the viruses and fungi to humans, have, through the forces of evolution, developed biological niches – the range they occupy across the earth and where we stand in the food
Join ACSH directors of bio-sciences and medicine Cameron English and Dr. Chuck Dinerstein as they break down these stories on episode 14 of the Science Dispatch podcast:
“Protection of children’s health requires that health professionals understand the multiple harms to children from climate change and air pollution and use available strategies to reduce these harms.”
Like most people, I harbor a set of pretty standard concerns: paying bills, balancing work and family life, and protecting my son from crazy people who “identify” as
“…[F]ood consumption has not been anchored in climate change policy to the same extent as energy production and usage…we address those issues by performing a relatively simple analysis that considers the extent to which o
Food production takes a toll on the environment.
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