climate change

Several years ago, I received an invitation to attend a conference hosted by the Breakthrough Institute, an organization that promotes technological solutions to problems like climate change.
Volcanic eruptions can alter our climate for months or years. Probably the most well-known of these is the eruption of Mt.
The last few hundred years have been a bit of a tussle for man, first Copernicus moving Earth out of the center of the solar system, then Hubble, who put our solar system on the edge of an ever-expanding universe.
As a physician, how could I resist this title?  Why Doctors Think They’re the Best. Obviously, I couldn’t.
What should we make of a scientific journal that has decided that being culturally "woke" is more important than presenting evidence-based reports and opinions? Alas, this is what has become of The Lancet.
I have spent a lot of my working life, attempting to understand and communicate risk and uncertainty. The first question by many patients is, what are my chances?
Let's pretend that you are faced with a life-threatening cancer, and your doctors tell you that chemotherapy is the only realistic solution available. Would you take it? Most rational people would say yes.
Earlier today, students all over the world walked out of school to participate in Climate Strike. Led by 16-year-old Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg, the strike is meant to raise awareness about climate change.
Every year, roughly 2.8 million Americans shuffle off this mortal coil. In 2017, the CDC recorded exactly 2,813,503 deaths for an average of 7,708 deaths per day.
Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it. And I'm not talking about ancient history. I'm talking about 18 years ago.
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