
There are two ways to become immune against an infectious disease: The not-so-fun way and the really-not-so-fun way.
Those of us in Washington State who were hoping that 2021 would bring some respite from the massive disruption to our daily lives will have to wait.
This article was originally published at Geopolitical Futures. The original is here.
"Stay home, stay safe" are currently the four (well, technically three) most obnoxious words in the English language.
The United Kingdom just became the first Western nation to approve a coronavirus vaccine for public use.
One of the risks of being alive is getting infected with a nasty microorganism. The coronavirus pandemic has proven that, despite the triumph of biomedical science over many common ailments, some diseases are nearly impossible to stop.
One of the main reasons that the coronavirus pandemic is so difficult to stop is because of the high prevalence of asymptomatic carriers. These are people who are infected with the virus and show no symptoms, yet can spread the virus to others.
Over the past several days, the world has received monumentally good news: Vaccines exist against the coronavirus, and they are effective. Even better, vaccines are being developed by multiple companies.
When the COVID pandemic first emerged, Dr. Anthony Fauci said that he hoped people would permanently stop shaking hands.
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