A former coworker from Wyeth, let's just call him Dr. L., is not blessed with much luck (or much hair) on a good day.
Over the past few months I've been arguing that remdesivir, the only approved drug for SARS-2 infection, was never going to make a meaningful impact on COVID because it is an IV-only drug, meaning that it will only be administered to ver
For those of you needing to catch up on the story, you can look here.
This article was originally published at Geopolitical Futures. The original is here.
As I mentioned previously, I've been marooned in Poland for a few months due to the coronavirus pandemic. Poland, along with several other Eastern European countries, implemented a very severe lockdown.
The health system wants you back and rather than dwell on cash flow and other financial vagaries, the discussion is all about how the COVID-19 instituted delays, may further harm your general well-being
"Now is the winter of our discontent," begins Richard III, one of Shakespeare's most famous plays.
Our group recently studied the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on New York Area residency programs during the time period in which New York City became the epicenter of the pandemic.
In the pharmaceutical industry, there's a low-level Hatfield-McCoy thing between chemists and biologists that's been going on forever. Each group thinks that the other group is a bunch of morons.
Two independent groups have arrived at the conclusion that the COVID-19 lockdown is doing more harm than good. Specifically, the lockdown is taking more life than it's saving. How is it possible to make a determination like that?
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