In a just published perspective piece in The New England Journal of Medicine, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, M.D.
Anyone who watches television has seen the ads for Opdivo, Lyrica and countless other drugs directed to consumers (physicians still call these people patients).
To protect their revenues, and as a result, keep drug prices high, brand-name drug manufacturers have tried several means to stop or slow the entry of comparable generics.
The regulatory concerns about genetic modification of animals that I wrote about a while ago have moved towards a Congressional spotlight.
There's no doubt about it. E-cigarettes have the potential to save millions of lives.
Imagine your wife suffers a cardiac arrest in the middle of the night and remains unconscious. You start CPR and tell your granddaughter to call 911.
Homeopathic treatments can be bought almost everywhere. They're the ones that are likely labeled as "natural remedies" and have pictures of grass or leaves on them.
Recently, I had the pleasure of filming a segment on the top medical, science and technology innovations of 2017 at Reuters TV in Times Square, New York with host of CCTV Bianca Chen (video clip forthcoming).
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