
Let’s begin with a few facts, extrapolating as necessary. According to the CDC’s statistics on deaths in the United States, seasonal flu is an equal opportunity killer.
When your dog looks longingly at you as you eat breakfast, out of compassion and sympathy, do you ever find yourself pouring some orange juice into his bowl? Of course not. You might get bitten. Or, at the very least, you'll get a puzzled look.
“In America, the majority of fast-food restaurants aren’t owned by the corporation itself, but by franchisees — individuals who pay for the right to use a brand name.
One of our readers [1] wrote to us about a recent article in Lancet regarding the role of alcohol in cardiovascular disease. That prompted us to take a look and here is what we found.
A new study in Translational Psychiatry sought to elucidate whether reduced telomere length (TL) is associated with childhood trauma in those with schizophrenia (SZ) and bipo
Senator Elizabeth Warren, who has taken flak for her claims to Native American ancestry, just released the results of a genetic test that definitively proves... well, nothing. She might be 1/32nd Native American. Or 1/1,024th.
The data-miners have found a new vein of data, the UK Biobank, which contains genetic information on about 500,000 of their citizens.
Humans and other animals possess two copies of most genes. This stems from the fact that animals contain pairs of chromosomes, one from the mother and one from the father.
In a nod to science, Newsweek reported that there might be genetic underpinnings to obesity.