
Although it is well established that obesity ups the risk of numerous health problems, including type 2 diabetes, osteoarth
Four years ago, a federal law specifie
The latest health news on e-cigarette safety, childhood obesity rates on the decline, and why calorie information on restaurant menus isn't making a landslide of a difference
The good news about obesity is that recent trends suggest that its rate of increase in Americans has stabilized.
Of all the misconceptions we regularly deal with at ACSH, the manglin
The latest health news: a shoutout to Hank Campbell on his natural gas op-ed, why germy kids are healthy kids, and why getting them to eat veggies because it's healthy won't work
Catch the latest news on unnecessary warning labels on sugary drinks, why GM labeling is not needed, and why cases of measles have climbed to an all-time high.
The latest health stories from the hefty price of cancer, the unintended consequence of a successful HIV drug, and why we shouldn't tax food to fight obesity
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