
When I was a kid, there was no chickenpox vaccine. Getting chickenpox -- along with the requisite oatmeal bath -- was seen as a childhood rite of passage. It wasn't uncommon for kids who were uninfected to hang out with kids who were.
Several years ago, the saying, an apple a day kept the doctor away, morphed with aspirin replacing the apple.
Expectant parents are bombarded from all directions about what they should or should not worry about before the baby is even born - not that this ever stops after delivery.
I was skeptical about the latest announcement by 23andMe surrounding the release of their new report describing to it subscribers their risk of Type 2 diabetes.
Comedian, actress and “The View” talk show host Whoopi Goldberg survived, but is still recovering from, a harrowing ordeal.
Hypertension or high blood pressure is a common medical problem.
As a faithful reader will recognize, I am of an age when, in the words of Billy Crystal, “we pee in Morse Code.” One of the companion symptoms is nocturia, medically defined as getting up at night to urinate and sleeping both before and after.
Ask a bunch of New Yorkers about the worst thing that has happened to them that day. Most will say "I rode the 6 train," which if not created by Satan himself, comes damn close. Second place: "I found out I have a brain tumor."
Charles Piller has written a very interesting article on pre-diabetes, the link is at the bottom, and is worth the 10 minutes.
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