
Gestational diabetes (GD) is the development of diabetes during pregnancy. For those afflicted, it is a significant problem for these women and the children they carry.
What does it cost to have a chronic illness?
It's difficult to imagine a fate worse than rabies. A 65-year-old woman experienced the full horror of that disease -- and suffered a death that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. A new CDC case study provides the gruesome details.
The New York Times editorial board who is content in the belief that they are “the newspaper of record” wrote in an on-going series on women's rights on the “bad science and a moral panic” behind the 
Reprinted by permission of McGill University Office for Science and Society. ### 
Sometimes you run across an article you just have to comment upon; today is that day.
How much sleep is enough? How about naps, I personally love a nice little afternoon nap after perhaps a bit too much lunch.
A scene that appears in many movies involves a recently bereaved individual who picks up a garment that belonged to their departed loved one.  The bereaved will draw the garment close to their face, and take a long whiff.
 Winter is bad enough. Long, dark, cold nights. Wind-chill factors. Digging out your car. Cabin fever.
Another creepy hemorrhagic fever is in the news. This time, the victims are pigs, rather than humans.
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