
One leg of the three-legged stool of medical advice is exercise. The other two, watch what you eat, it’s variant, watch between-meal treats, and make sure you get the right amount of sleep.
Not all worrisome infectious diseases target humans. Some target animals, and the consequences can be devastating.
Chest x-rays are the most common imaging study performed; they serve mostly as a screening tool. Could they act as a crystal ball for our future health?
Imagine you’re a firefighter trying to prevent a house from burning to the ground. After many hours of hard work, you’ve rescued the family, saved their pet chinchilla, and extinguished every visible ember—a job well done.
By Lone Simonsen and Maarten van Wijhe
A short British Medical Journal opinion piece, formatted as a debate, asks whether obesity is a disease, pitting two vested interests against one another. [1]  Commonality
Mutants are everywhere. And no, I’m not talking about the creatures you find in video games, comic books, or Saturday morning cartoons. We’re the real mutants—you, me, and everyone you know. It’s a fundamental part of being alive.
A news report from Virginia says that two people are dead and 18 have been hospitalized following an outbreak of an unknown respiratory infection at a ret
Every year, roughly 2.8 million Americans shuffle off this mortal coil. In 2017, the CDC recorded exactly 2,813,503 deaths for an average of 7,708 deaths per day.
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