
We've officially gone full circle. There was a time when people feared that artificial sweeteners caused cancer. (They don't.) Now, researchers claim that artificial sweeteners prevent cancer. Do they?
A new trial to assess the benefits and safety of stem cell transplantation for treatment-resistant Crohn’s disease has started.
E. coli. Salmonella. Campylobacter. Norovirus.
As I've written before, drug companies, no matter how revolutionary a discovery they make, cannot control human behavior.
Blood glucose is regulated by a network of organs inter-connected by nerves and chemical mediators some that we have identified, others we have not.
We’re all well aware of the growing threat of superbugs. There are plenty warnings about how we encourage these antibiotic-resistant bacteria by either overusing antibiotics or not finishing a prescribed course of treatment.
Bundled care, actually bundled payments refers to packaging hospitalization and the following 90 days of care into a single fee.
In the fall, the World Health Organization will review the revisions to the eleventh “International Statistical Classification of Disease and Related Health Problems” (ICD-11), and while the title alone can lull you to sleep, it is a document that
Much is still unknown about the Ebola virus. The microbe, which re-emerges from time to time usually in Africa, causes a hemorrhagic fever with a fatality rate as high as 90%.
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