
Myopia, commonly called ‘nearsightedness’ because of the difficulty focusing on distant objects is a leading cause of visual disability and has a rapidly growing prevalence – 30-50% of Western adults and up to 80 or 90% among high school students
Are people allergic to cold weather the way they are pollen?
The Pandemic and All Hazards Preparedness Act (PAHPA) exists “to improve the Nation’s public health and medical preparedness and response capabilities for emergencies, whether deliberate, accidental, or natural” and I have been attending hearings
When it comes to double dipping at parties there are two disparate belief systems: 1. Some people think nothing of sticking their chips, carrots, etc., into a dip, taking a bite, and then dipping the uneaten piece back into the bowl.
Mammography remains the standard means of screening for breast cancer. For women with denser breast tissue, the superimposition of tissue may mask early tumors even for the most observant of radiologists.
A recent study in the journal Neuron has found a strong link between two rather obscure and poorly understood families of human herpesviruses and
Every human cell carries our genome, roughly 3.5 billion letters - DNA - that assemble into our genetic code. In order for large genomes to fit into the tiny cells, proteins called histones organize and package DNA in cells.
In 2011, the global public health community declared the eradication of rinderpest, a severe viral disease of cattle.
A new, large-scale breast cancer study of women who had not yet reached menopause produced a surprising result: as body fat increased, their cancer risk decreased.
The reason there is no universal flu vaccine is because the influenza virus constantly changes.
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