
Between increased competition for limited resources in research funding and medical conditions that have powerful and prominent champions, among other issues, it can be especially challenging for rarer conditions like Sickle Cell Disease to remain
Before modern study of microbiology, how diseases spread was essentially unknown.
One time when I was a little kid, our family visited Arizona. We went to a restaurant somewhere out in the desert that served fried rattlesnake. As you probably guessed, it tastes like chicken.
An article in the New England Journal of Medicine reports on the mortality associated with high blood pressure, hypertension.  It was not surprising that hypertensive patients fared worse than those not similarly afflicted.
The individuals, academic labs, and "cancer-for-hire" environmental groups have "done" their job splendidly in misleading and confusing the American public about which causes of cancer are real and which are false.
Measles, which still kills about 90,000 people around the world every year, isn't the only microbe making a comeback.
Quick quiz: What is the world's most deadly human pathogen for which there is no vaccine? Since the title, unfortunately, must precede the article, you already know the answer.
Alzheimer’s Disease is a great fear for many individuals, and for the health care system as it may well eclipse heart disease in costs as the “Boomers” age. And it is a global problem.
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