Drugs & Pharmaceuticals

The drug phobia that now has us firmly in its grip, you know, the "let's restrict everything" mentality, didn't start with Vicodin, Valium, or Ritalin. It began with Sudafed, which contains the drug pseudoephedrine.
Medicare and Medicaid cannot negotiate the cost of drugs – meaning they have to pay whatever a pharmaceutical company charges for their drugs.
Ever wonder if your cabinet is full of expired medication? If so, what can you keep, and what should you toss?  
If you own Johnson and Johnson stock you probably have enough problems on your hands.
If you've spent any amount of time in the cough and cold section of your pharmacy, you may soon end up in the headache aisle.
In the rich world, cancer therapy is expensive. In the developing world, it may not be available at all. Not only is cutting-edge technology in short supply, but so are things like electricity and medical personnel.
A small study showed promising results for a new app that can detect increased bilirubin levels in one's eyes — an early indicator of pancreatic cancer.
When it comes to cancer breakthroughs, there have not been many announcements as big as the one made this week by the U.S.
It may seem like olden days to millennials, but the late 1970s were a lot like today. America was divided due to an unpopular President, gas was expensive, the movie industry was at death's door ...
Honey and other bee products have a life-giving, almost mystical quality according to alternative medicine practitioners and "back to nature" enthusiasts. In truth, they don't. Bee colonies aren't tiny pharmaceutical companies.
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