Drugs & Pharmaceuticals

There are tons of mommy forums and mommy blogs that are influential and followed by a great many women. Some provide really great advice, some are humorous and some share stories of triumphs and tribulations.
Pseudoscience is sexy and it sells – big time.  Fraudsters, hucksters, and snake oil salesmen will always be a plague to our society as long as there is a susceptible public. Let's be honest.
A paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research entitled, “Addressing the Opioid Epidemic: Is there a role for physician education?” by Schnell and Curry begins with this the question of ho
The myth that "natural is better" is widespread and pernicious. Though it can manifest in relatively harmless ways (e.g., consuming overpriced organic food), the relentless pursuit of all-things natural can be dangerous or even deadly.
Acid reflux is an unpleasant condition. Not only is it uncomfortable, but experiencing chronic acid reflux (known as GERD, or gastroesophageal reflux disease) may cause esophageal cancer.
When a patient enters a hospital or doctor's office with a cough, difficulty breathing, and chest discomfort/pain - physicians may be able to easily diagnose a lung infection. But, what is causing the infection is a different story.
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in women.
One of the common misconceptions about hospitals, and perhaps corporations in general, is the term "non-profit." People assume it means they don't care about making money, but they sure do. Non-profit does not refer to their bottom line,
Medication mistakes outside of a health care facility are on the rise and resulting in serious outcomes—with home locations leading the pack.
Warning: chemistry lesson inside. Chemophobes, naturopaths, and the art history majors at NRDC may leave now. OK. Now, let's get started.
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