Drugs & Pharmaceuticals

Depression is something of a black box. Its underlying causes aren't completely understood, nor why particular medications work for some people but not others. Even worse, treatments are not fully successful in up to 60% of patients.
Direct to consumer (DTC) advertising of prescription drugs have been around in both print and television since the mid-80's.
The CDC just issued its latest weekly MMWR report, (1) and this one needs to be taken seriously.
Otto Warmbier, the college student arrested and detained in North Korea, returned to the United States in a "coma" that has endured since March 2016. Early accounts of the North Korean government's version of events alleged an unfor
Prescription drugs represent 10% of our healthcare costs, $325 billion in 2015. The alarming cost of drugs is the least transparent of our healthcare costs, but impact patients the most.
Flight operations for the F-35 fighter jet were suspended until further notice due to multiple episodes of apparent oxygen deprivation of pilots.
One of the many responses to the opioid crisis has been the development of Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMP) - databases containing the drug utilization of patients based upon physician prescriptions.
The newest wrinkle in the assault of opioid drugs on Americans is just about the last thing we need: Killer pills.
Though pneumonia and infection are among the litany of known complications following a water birth, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) just reported two cases of Legionnaires’ Disease in newborns in Arizona born this way at home.
Columbia University Professor Jeffrey Sachs is one of the world's most influential public intellectuals.
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