Drugs & Pharmaceuticals

Given the popularity of marathons and participation in the United States exceeding half a million annually, a Yale-led team of researchers sought to explore the relationship between strenuous exercise and kidney function. (1)
People who have an allergic parent are pretty likely also to be allergic. But those of us with two allergic parents (yours truly) are really hosed.
To be honest, spiders — fascinating as they may be to some — are not my favorite critters. That's likely because having suffered some pretty painful spider bites, I connect them with unfortunate consequences.
Early and swift intervention with an automated external defibrillator (AED) amidst sudden out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) during bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) saves lives—in fact, doubles the likelihood of survival.
If you follow healthcare news, you know that millions of US pain patients are experiencing a world of troubles.  If their pain itself wasn’t enough, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention added to their agony in March 2016 by issui
In science and medicine, much of the time there is no "right" answer.
A ten month-old baby girl – called Dominique – born with two spines and four legs traveled from the Ivory Coast to Chicago to cross paths with a team of care givers who would successfully operate on her in a six-hour surgery.
Last January I wrote an article called "Kratom: The Supplement That Will Kill Godzilla," using hyperbole to point out that the supplement/dru
The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) just published distressing accounts of three patients who endured irreparable damage to their vision after seeking treatment at the same u
There is this unsubstantiated, but widely believed, notion that vitamins and supplements are a panacea. In fact, a multi-billion dollar industry serves to support and perpetuate this often faulty, overly auspicious claim.