Drugs & Pharmaceuticals

What doctors long feared, and what alternative medicine proponents have long desired, has come to pass.
Dr. Cox: Did you actually just page me to find out how much Tylenol to give to Mrs. Lendsner? J.D.: I was worried that it could exacerbate the patient's... 
A number of recent headlines imply a case study just published in the New England Journal of Medicine proves that gene therapy has cured sickle cell disease—a genetic disord
For the millions of Americans who have interrupted sleep because of frequent trips to the bathroom, a new drug may provide some relief.
In Did Pompe Disease Get a New Champion in President Trump?, I discussed the significance such a spotlight as a presidential address in front of
The squeaky wheel often gets the grease but sometimes wheels get an impassioned champion - and that is just as good.
Just in time for the President's Address To Congress (a State of the Union, but since he has only been in office a few weeks, a new president doesn't use that term) the Every Child By Two health advocacy group has released a new 
Two studies on surgeons published in the last month may be instructive on how patients find physicians. First, a report in JAMA Surgery from January by Ziemba et.
Sadly, the news outlets just reported the seemingly untimely passing of actor, Bill Paxton, at the age of 61. Losing a loved one is a devastating event and we wish his family peace during this especially difficult time.   
In 1965, when Medicare made its appearance, physicians would send bills for their "usual and customary charges” and it quickly became apparent that usual and customary allowed a far greater range of charges than President Johnson and his team