Drugs & Pharmaceuticals

If the issue of drug pricing weren't a big enough issue before the election, it sure is now. Hardly a day goes by without a statement or two from the new administration regarding drug prices.
Let’s be honest. It is the rare few of us who don’t start empathetic itching when we even read stories about skin mite infestations or head lice, for example, let alone experience them first hand.  
Alternative medicine is like an "alternative fact." If it was real, then the word "alternative" wouldn't be necessary. 
There is no shortage of blame for the microbial mess we now find ourselves in. Antibiotics that used to easily cure infections no longer work, leaving us dangerously close to the pre-penicillin days.
Let's call progress against cancer a mixed bag. Until 20 years ago, chemotherapy drugs — poisons that kill or stop the division of cells— have been the mainstay of cancer treatment.
Video of Minnesota’s Governor—Mark Dayton— collapsing while giving last night’s State of the State address entered the media and digital echo chamber. Fortunately, it has been reported that he swiftly recovered, was assessed by EMTs at the si
How would you like to spend the day taking water samples from a sewer pipe off the coast of Sardinia? It’s probably not as much fun as it sounds, but it’s a good thing that Giuseppe Brotzu found himself doing just that in 1945.
For several hours on July 12, 2016, a group of 33 people in New York City were in a "zombie-like" state: staring blankly, moving and responding to medics slowly, and occasionally groaning.
Make room, Genocea and Rational Vaccines. There may be a new Herpes kid on the block.
I am usually supportive of the pharmaceutical industry (1). People who reflexively criticize it have no idea how difficult and expensive it is to get something from the lab to the pharmacy.