Drugs & Pharmaceuticals

Many people think they have a drug allergy, when in fact what they have is drug intolerance. According to the CDC, approximately 10% of all U.S.
A study by the UK National Cardiac Arrest Audit (NCAA) echoes previous global data that hospital survival is reduced for those admitted on weekends and at night. (1) 
The Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) is really stretching the word "medical" with some of their latest content. 
And, so it begins.   With yesterday’s release by The Daily Mail of Anthony Weiner’s alleged entry into a rehab facility for the treatment of sex addiction, the media headlines ignited.
As it stands now, the burden of contraception rests heavily on a woman’s shoulders.  Male contraceptive options have been limited to the pull-out method, condoms, and the dreaded “V’ word – vasectomy.  Understandably, most men shy a
The only difference between you and Denny Peck is luck.
Welcome to the conclusion of this two part series on the newest hot topics in melanoma research.  
Did you know Bob Marley died of melanoma?  Or, that Jimmy Carter was recently ‘cured’ of metastatic melanoma?  Many misperceptions abound with respect to skin cancer —specifically melanoma, so we will address them here in this two part s
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released their annual Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance Report which reflects record highs in the three most commonly reported conditions in the United States in 2015 (in the fo
Welcome to the conclusion of our three part series discussing the science behind director Kathleen Gyllenhaal's latest documentary,