Drugs & Pharmaceuticals

Once again, the echo chamber nature of press releases serves to promote misleading science and health clickbait.  This time it is with headlines like “Tobacco, but not pot, boosts early stroke risk.” 
Erectile Dysfunction (ED) adversely impacts over 30 million men in the United States to some extent.  Medical efforts to combat this considerable personal strain a
The U.S. Office of Inspector General (OIG) has estimated that in calendar year 2013, $359 million (82%) of $438 million paid to chiropractors under Medicare Part B did not comply with Medicare requirements.(1)
Carrie Fisher’s tragic death after last week’s inflight medical emergency is sadly an all too familiar occurrence.  In fact, upt
With the evidence already established regarding known upticks of cardiac deaths (aka heart-related) on Christmas and New Year’s, a new study seeks to elucidate if winter is a main culprit.  
It isn't often when an invention that changes the landscape comes along. But one just did. 
In October, I wrote about the release of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) annual
  Official Health Report for SANTA CLAUS         CLAUS, SANTA
While I rarely admit it, I can be intensely competitive.
Are you shocked by this news?  Me, not so much.  But, hats off to the Harvard research team and their new approach to tackling gender inequality in medicine by getting back to the basics:  Let the evidence speak for itself.  An