Drugs & Pharmaceuticals

Flu Vaccine Updates for 2016-2017  
Many methods of effective birth control are available for women today — barrier methods such as diaphragms and condoms, birth control pills, hormonal implants, IUDs — but except for the implants and IUDs, all are susceptible to human error.
When I posed an urgent medical question on Science 2.0 earlier this year, my expectations were very low: 1) Simply make an idiot out of
We all know how to lose weight — eat less and move more. But for many of us, that prescription just doesn't seem to be attainable, or if weight loss is achieved it is difficult for many to maintain.
With medical letters and the general health of the U.S. Presidential candidates being the big topic of discussion last week, we were all treated to analyses of issues like blood clots and BMI and other topics.
 Last week, a video went viral (over 19 million views!) of a woman delivering an infant under water in a tub with her partner immersed along with them.
Ovarian cancer is hard to detect and, according to the American Cancer Society, "Ovarian cancer accounts for about 3% of cancers among women, but
Democratic Presidential contender Hillary Clinton is back on the campaign trail after the 68-year-old had rested at her home in Chappaqua, New York for a few days last week following what appeared to be a 'dizzy' spell during a visit to the N
As we've explained in the past, shingles is a reactivation of the chickenpox virus, varicella zoster, that results in an extremely painful eruption of blisters along a ne
Some men would give their right testicle to have access to contraception that doesn't involve pleasure-killing condoms or cringe-inducing surgical snips. Biology, unfortunately, has made targeting contraception at the female reproductive syst