Food & Nutrition

Unscientific nonsense proliferates across the internet. Amplified by celebrities, activist groups, and other assorted ideologues, this misinformation surrounding issues like vaccines and crop biotechnology leads many unsuspecting readers astray.
Are you still afraid of COVID-19? Perhaps it's the prospect of an escalating conflict in Ukraine that has you worried. Forget all that. The real threat to your health might be the IPA or glass of wine you had with dinner last night.
Research going back many years has clearly documented that organic farming tends to require more land while producing less food than its conventional counterpart.
“For many people, regardless of size, stepping on the scale at the doctor’s office can be a triggering, harmful experience,” SELF magazine reported late last month.
The results of the USDA's Pesticide Data Program (PDP) for 2020 are in, and they lend themselves to two important but unsurprising conclusions: the trace amounts of pesticides in our food supply still don't pose a measurable health risk; environme
Last July, the UN published a startling report documenting the pandemic's effect on global food security in 2020: “In many parts of the
A few things can be said with certainty about “non-GMO” food labels.
As part of the European Union, the UK was a stronghold of anti-GMO opposition. Post-Brexit, however, Britain is changing its outlook for the better.