Other Science News

In a lively exchange with Lars Larson, we dove headfirst into the realm of groundbreaking medical advancements, touching on the pressing issue of antibiotic resistance.
The surveillance state has been achieved not through some conspiratorial government agency and plan but because we willingly carry around our geolocation and so much more in the guise of our cell phones.
My discussion with John Batchelor on CBS Eye on the World delved into the concerning decline of confidence in scientific research.
“But there are more fundamental reasons why almost all news outlets display a negativity bias.
“My view is that everyone who contributes to the scientific enterprise is a scientist. It’s not just lab work that makes up science.
It doesn't take much anything to annoy me anymore. It can strike from anywhere at any time. What was it today? (As if it matters. Two minutes later I would have found something else.) But today it was coffee.
“Voyager has grown old. It was never designed for this! Its original mission was supposed to last a bit over three years. Voyager has turned out to be much tougher than anyone ever imagined, but time gets us all.
This is the second part of a two-part series. Read part one here.
For those of us who have access to a local farmer’s market, there is a certain satisfaction from supporting the community and maintaining a bit of an agricultural vibe. But are they the better option if you obsess over your carbon footprint?
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