Other Science News

Climate Change This issue has been with us for decades and now results in much wringing of hands and gnashing of teeth. My concerns include the need to consider energy systems globally rather than locally.
“Once pretty, vivacious young women in their late teens and early twenties awaiting marriage and children, one by one, they sickened.
As some of you know, my husband and I relocated back to the US in April.
“On 24 November 1922, the Colorado River Commission officially allocated water rights to the seven U.S. states of the Colorado River Basin.
My “favorites” are those that I felt might contribute to a better understanding of critical issues; I apologize if I tend to love the newer ones best.  
Two connected articles make my favorite list: In the first, I explained how EPA allowed its regulatory agenda to overrule the science in proposing drinking water regulations for PFAS,
Of course, I might be forgiven for the hyperbole as to the specific topics, but as ACSH’s self-appointed generalist, I have allowed my curiosity free range this past year. Here are a few of my favorite writing moments.  
The EPA continues to reject science in favor of unscientific, activist-promoted regulation of a spectrum of products essential to farmers and consumers. 
2023 has been quite a year. Beginning with “Scoring some Ambien from the Online Pharmacy from Hell” to “More Opioid Idiocy,” 100 articles on a range of topics.
The claim? All sorts, various, blunderbuss – typical lawyer tripe and tribble: those legal loose fits and scrooges allege that:
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