Other Science News

Of course, I might be forgiven for the hyperbole as to the specific topics, but as ACSH’s self-appointed generalist, I have allowed my curiosity free range this past year. Here are a few of my favorite writing moments.  
The EPA continues to reject science in favor of unscientific, activist-promoted regulation of a spectrum of products essential to farmers and consumers. 
2023 has been quite a year. Beginning with “Scoring some Ambien from the Online Pharmacy from Hell” to “More Opioid Idiocy,” 100 articles on a range of topics.
The claim? All sorts, various, blunderbuss – typical lawyer tripe and tribble: those legal loose fits and scrooges allege that:
I’ve written in the past about the ecological impact of natural vs. artificial Christmas trees.
Here is a new (and typically idiotic) edition of The J-Man Chronicles. Enjoy
Here are just two things learned:
When I worked for another think tank 40 years ago (dang, I am old), the president used to say books with new ideas are great, but people (by that, he meant journalists and policymakers) don’t have time to read books.
After Thanksgiving and often a meal that leaves one a bit bloated and listless, consider this.
“In 2018, scientists discovered a new organ (?) in the human body. You’d think after centuries of cutting ourselves open, we’d know the intimate details of the structures within us by now.
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