Other Science News

Among the reverberating issues post-Hurricane Irma created is a particularly disturbing one: multiple deaths at a Florida nursing home.
Being tan has a slimming effect and makes people look and feel great.  Well, turning fat brown can actually make people thin.
The media has been having a field day with a recently published paper. That's not atypical when a scientific paper has a splashy result. Big scientific discoveries deserve a lot of attention. 
Singer Selena Gomez just published to her Instagram account that she was the recipient of a kidney transplant. The 25 year-old previously revealed her Lupus diagnosis and attributed this latest development to complications of that condition.
Instagram set off a social media firestorm by removing a photo deemed “offensive” of a young boy with a congenital syndrome replete with facial deformities.
The cancer drug business is quite a profitable one. A “high risk, high reward” proposition has been the narrative for those in research and development (R&D). Successes, marketing, patent protection and discovery cost money.
Biohackers walk a blurry line between science and pseudoscience.
When it comes to medical issues as they relate to connecting out-of-the-way rural areas to cities, there remains a long list of challenges.
What causes autism spectrum disorder (ASD)? We're not sure. How many different types of ASD exist? Good question.  How many treatments are available for ASD? Not enough. 
The news of the cholera epidemic in Yemen is beyond comprehension. The disease is spreading with unprecedented speed. There are over 600,000 people infected and 2,000 dead - in about six months time. 
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