“The pandemic today is almost unrecognizably different. In the United States, an acute, terrifying catastrophe has given way to the monotony of lowered expectations. There are no makeshift morgues in the streets.
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There are many steps in research that, like making-sausage, are rarely viewed.
“Trust between humans relies on a frail and strange notion of shared experience, absurdity and vulnerability. Indeed, it’s surprisingly difficult to articulate exactly what trust is.
“As the pandemic engulfed the world during the past several months, I kept r
Michael Strevens' book, The Knowledge Machine, is one of those books you read first with your eyes, in the same way that food is first visually appealing.
A little under five years ago, I wrote my farewell article for RealClearScience.
“Conrad Hal Waddington became recognized as the last Renaissance biologist.
(March 5, 2020)
Riding the New York City subway is a rather gruesome experience on a good day. And there is no such thing as a good day. They are all bad or worse.
“Conrad Hal Waddington became recognized as the last Renaissance biologist.