Other Science News

One of the enormous problems with electronic health records (EHR) is that it requires lots of data entry. When physicians perform this task, it takes away from valuable time and expertise that could be given over to patients not screens. [1]
From a young age, we teach science to students all wrong.
Here’s a novel approach, appreciate and value the physicians in actual practice and watch job satisfaction soar.
A United flight (UA-31) bound for Newark (New Jersey) from Munich (Germany) was safely diverted to London Heathrow Airport after multiple passengers complained of feeling lightheaded and unwell.
As if fighting in the Vietnam War was not awful enough on its own, veterans are now finding out they could be at increased risk of a deadly form of cancer.
Here is an old ethical problem, redressed in its new and future framing.
As if having cancer were not enough to worry about, people undergoing chemotherapy need to keep bacterial infections in the forefront of their concerns at all times.
When I was in 5th grade, my elementary school teacher asked all of us to conduct an experiment at home.
Unauthorized touching has been in the news quite a lot in the last month. I found a study on a form of unauthorized touching that many more of us than those cited in the press, participate in – touching objects in museums.
"The power of population is indefinitely greater than the power in the earth to produce subsistence for man." Reverend Malthus
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