Case, Death, and Vaccination Trends 
It's only a case study, but the implications are intriguing.
A few weeks back, Mike Adams, self-proclaimed "Health Ranger” and founder of Natural News, alleged that the US go
COVID-19 has already broken all the rules.
The suggestion that children should be vaccinated against SARS-COV-2 has triggered outrage and anxiety across the internet.
One of the earliest (of many) bizarre symptoms of COVID-19 was blood clotting in the lungs. These clots could easily be seen when an endotracheal tube was removed from a ventilated patient.
It's good to be skeptical of scientists and the politicians who listen to them.
COVID-19 vaccines are the miracle that has significantly suppressed the pandemic in a number of countries, including the United States, where the current seven-day moving averages of 
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