Which population is least likely to accept a COVID-19 vaccine? Russians.
The COVID-19 pandemic has spurred a new level of interest in lung health.
After more than a year of masking, social distancing and far too much time spent in isolation, pandemic fatigue has set it and Americans seem to be running out of anxiety to expend on COVID-19.
Never mind your liberties, there's a deadly virus on the loose, and that's justification enough for the government to mandate that you get a COVID shot.
One of the greatest things about the Church -- and religion in general -- is its ability to inspire positive social change.
Several months ago, we ran a story on the best (worst?) conspiracy theories about the coronavirus.
As of now, the official number of COVID cases in the United States stands at roughly 27.1 million.
Some vaccines are essentially mandatory. If you want your kid to go to public school, then he or she needs to get various jabs. Should the COVID vaccine be one of them?
Throughout the COVID pandemic, many Americans complained that our culture made it far easier for the coronavirus to spread.
During the U.S. border crisis, in which immigrants from Central and South America were attempting to cross the border illegally into the United States, thousands of families and children were separated during the detention process.