Let's pretend that you're a dishonest scientist who wants to fabricate some data for an experiment. Let's further assume that you run an experiment five times and want the average answer to be "10".
I live in the Seattle area, but I spend a lot of time in Boise because of family. This has allowed me the unique opportunity to experience two completely different state government responses to the coronavirus pandemic.
In the mediocre but strangely prescient James Bond movie Tomorrow Never Dies, the villain is a media mogul named Elliot Carver who tries to instigate a war between the UK and China to grow his empire.
President Joe Biden promised a busy first 100 days in office. Some of his plans can be accomplished through executive orders, while others may require cooperation with Congress.
For as long as anti-vaxxers have been around, the American Council on Science and Health has used sound science to expose their lies and distortions.
Why microbes kill some people, but not others is probably the hardest question in all of medical microbiology.
There may be around 200 different viruses that cause the common cold.
In 2019, the American Council on Science and Health’s Board of Trustees proposed that we identify a core group of especially committed supporters. We were looking for a small group of visionary donors.
Everything mutates. Random changes to the DNA (or, in the case of some viruses like coronavirus, the RNA) occur, and this can create new traits. Some of these traits are advantageous, and natural selection favors them. This is called evolution.
This article was originally published at Leaps Mag. It is reprinted with permission.