weight loss

As you well know, at ACSH, our job is to talk about and reveal junk science.
The latest in health news: Attack on sugary drinks is back, Alzheimer's in a dish for research, and why rapid weight loss may not result in weight gain just as fast
Current guidelines when it comes to weight loss suggest that losing weight too quickly will result in gaining it back
The benefits of bariatric surgery for weight loss and remission of type 2 diabetes
Obese adolescents are at risk of becoming obese adults, which in turn places them at a higher risk of
Yesterday, we discussed a randomized
Catch the latest health news: The diet wars continue- low-carb v. low-fat, is either superior? A novel heart failure drug gets the thumbs up, plus why surgery for meniscal tear due to osteoarthritis may not be your first option
The latest health news: India and China take many steps backward in GMO advancements, E-cig company fights back, and why eating or skipping breakfast may not affect your weight
Breakfast is often referred to as the most important meal of the day, with proponents of this meal ar
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