Biomedicine & Biotech

The German conglomerate Bayer has agreed to buy the Monsanto seed and pesticide company for $66 billion, putting an end to months of speculation about who would acquire it.
Tens of thousands of women have mastectomies to treat breast cancer each year and a new study lends hope to the idea that reconstructive surgery could make breastfeeding possible afterward.
We all know you're adults and hate guessing games so I'll get right to the answer: 58.  Fifty eight countries/territories currently have active Zika transmission. That has to alarm you as much as it does me.
There is something nauseatingly ingenious about the Huffington Post.
Roughly 1 in 3 women douche, but there is no good health reason to do so. Many women believe that douching will clean their vaginas or elim
From the realm of concussion research, it appears that the data are beginning to catch up with the intuition of the medical community.
Now that it's September, more and more students will be heading back to school. The youngest kiddies may play a game called "Show and Tell," in which they bring in various items and talk about what they did over the summer.
Partially denuded salt marsh at end of drought via
When biologists think of evolution, we tend to be biased toward those instances in which an organism gains some new ability, such as when a bacterium acquires a new antibiotic resistance gene.
As Kramer from Seinfeld demonstrated, sponging off of other people can be a successful life strategy. The same is true for many members of the Animal Kingdom.
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