
In the battle against antibiotic resistance, here's an interesting proposal: salted doorknobs [in hospitals, or elsewhere] could fight super bug infections. Intrigued? So are we. Bummed you didn't think of it first? So are we.
The body's organs are fed by blood, which provides nutrients in exchange for waste products from cells. This free exchange of goods and services, however, is dangerous for the brain, primarily for two reasons.
The HPV vaccine has been the subject of some controversy in the United States.
Part One: Going Back to Neanderthals            
"Every night on the television news now is like a nature hike through the Book of Revelation," lamented Al Gore in his opening remark
Few things are more exciting than saving the world. James Bond and Superman have done it. Now, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan want to do it, too.
Multiple myeloma is a type of blood cancer. B-cells, immune cells that play a crucial role in adaptive immunity, differentiate into plasma cells that secrete the antibodies we need to fight infections and other foreign invaders.
I recently returned from spending two weeks on a college campus in upstate New York. While there, I was surprised to see, in every building that I entered, signs posted with health information about mumps. Mumps...
The Washington Post has reported that, without explanation, the CDC abruptly can
You may have noticed a number of headlines referencing the “Tree Man” from Bangladesh with claims he is “cured” after 16 operations for his rare genetic disorder that transformed his hands and feet into bark-like warts and cutaneous horns.
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