
Here's the study, as always, in these types of data-dredging operations, observational.
Remember the Cuban "sonic attack" on American diplomats that was made public in 2017?
Last week, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada announced that the U.S.-Canada border would likely remain closed to all non-essential travel due to concerns about the spread of the coronavirus in the U.S.
Herd immunity seems to be a relatively simple idea. The fewer susceptible individuals in the herd, the more difficult it is for the disease to be transmitted.
(1) Mission accomplished? COVID-19 infections continue to spiral out of control in Europe. Any progress Europe made in controlling the coronavirus is now completely gone, as well as the premature gloating.
Breast cancer affects 1 in 8 women, a staggering statistic; however, it is a treatable disease with effective screening.
It is hard to recognize the terror of infantile paralysis, polio, a highly infectious, R0 of 4 to 6, summer-time disease. It was asymptomatic for 95% of its hosts, which was good because the condition has no cure.
Irrespective of how you feel about wearing a mask and maintaining a "social" distance, the preponderance of the evidence is that COVID-19's transmission is through the air and our breathe rather than through touch or direct contact.
A group at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), the national science agency of Australia, just
More specifically, the researchers looked at two states within southern India with the where-with-all in terms of healthcare workers and spending to mount an aggressive surveillance program – testing all that sought care for respiratory or flu-lik
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