
I'm now the father of an amazing little girl who is just now learning to talk.
This book review was originally published at Geopolitical Futures. The original is here.
The baseline cohort consisted of 10,552 individuals, 55% women. The overall incidence for hip fractures was 789/100,000 in women, 240/100,000 in men – somewhat less than the nationally reported figures.  Results
The researchers made use of population density, social distancing, and climate in looking at the number of COVID-19 cases at the county level.
The quote was from Tom Evans, chief scientist at Oxford university’s vaccines spinout company Vaccitech The Image from the Financial Times, T-cells: the missing link in
Much of the ambiguity of RCT's results lies in how closely the treatment and control groups matched to one another.
The researchers collected 205 nasopharyngeal swabs of all patients presenting to the Emergency Department (at NYU) over a week in March, who presented with symptoms consistent with COVID-19.
As we debate the pros and cons of reopening public schools in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, there are multiple factors that must be considered prior to making a decision.
From Information is beautiful, here is an infographic that tells you how to be that spry 90-year old.
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