
Several months into the coronavirus pandemic, we still don't have a good understanding of SARS-CoV-2. The often contradictory information we get from scientists and public health officials reflects this.
Public health officials and the media have been warning us that coronavirus kills not just old or immunocompromised people but young people too. While this is true, it remains relatively uncommon.
While much remains to be learned about the transmission of COVID-19, the scientific consensus appears to be that the ultimate main route of infection is through an individual’s nasal passages and airways as the virus attached to ACE receptors.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, COPD, is a limitation of how much air we can inhale and exhale, it is not fully reversible, is a significant cause of poor healthcare outcomes (it is the third most common cause of death in the US), and is fr
For those late to the party, here is the gist of the study. Using computer simulations, researchers found that the swirling waters created when we flush the toilet result in disturbances in the air in the bowl.
For those of you clinging to the idea that COVID-19 is nothing more than "the flu," an unfortunate (but entirely predictable) "experiment" in a bar in Florida should disabuse you of this myth.
The BBC reports, “low-dose steroid treatment dexamethasone is a major breakthrough in the fight against the deadly virus, UK experts say.” Before tossing aside your mask and booking
As a vascular surgeon, I am well acquainted with what we call “gait disturbances,” an abnormal walk.
You can become infected with COVID-19 through direct contact where you get your dose from viral particles that land on your face and hands from droplets generated by coughs and sneezes, by breathing in aerosols of the virus, and indirect contact w
Indoor infectivity has been discussed in The Atlantic, 
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