Drugs & Pharmaceuticals

Parents or other caregivers are responsible for seeing that sick kids get the proper medicine — in the correct amount. But does that always happen?
Anyone who has ever suffered from chronic constipation knows how miserable the condition can make you feel — headachy, bloated, and all-around unhappy; thus, the popularity of a variety of laxatives.
“Just imagine that a bond is a slice of cake, and you didn’t bake the cake, but every time you had somebody a slice of the cake a tiny little bit comes off, like a little crumb, and you can keep that.
If you have ever been in severe pain, you understand the feeling of urgent relief at any cost – unless of course, you enjoy pain, but that’s a topic for another article.  According to a recent
  Fasten your seat belts, this ride is about to get bumpy.  For those of you following my series on foreign bodies in the body, we made our way to the urethra and all things penis and scrotum.
The story of Liberia’s former research chimpanzees is both well-known and contentious.
When I was a child, getting chickenpox was a rite of passage. Everyone had to get it, sooner or later, and sooner was preferable.
Despite the public shaming of anti-vaxxers, the anti-vaccine movement remains fairly strong in America.
Andrew Silver, Inside Science -- Tiny robots taken into the body and controlled by brain patterns could someday help deliver medicine on demand.
Do you know what a "bezoar” is? Probably not, but you have likely heard the term "psychosomatic," which means an ailing mind can actually physically bother or impair your body.