Other Science News

Despite popular belief, there has been news and stories on issues other than Covid-19 and the market. If for no other reason, here are momentary distractions for that ill-defined discomfort you are experiencing.   
Women have two X chromosomes (homogametic sex), while men have an X and a Y (heterogametic sex).
"China produces and exports a large amount of pharmaceuticals to the U.S., including 97 percent of all antibiotics and 80 percent of the active ingredients used to make drugs here.
Riding the New York City subway is a rather gruesome experience on a good day. And there is no such thing as a good day. They are all bad or worse.
We cherish the myth of the "aha" moment, Edison and the lightbulb or Newton, his apple and gravity, but study and reflection suggest that ideas "are not born as breakthroughs—they need the attention and revision of a community of scientists to be
You can’t go for more than a few hours without an update or new article on the Coronavirus.
The increase was the most significant among women, individuals with a college education as well as incomes at the lower end, $20K to 49K and upper end, greater than $75K, as well as the married.
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