Other Science News

What do you do when you have two expert opinions, one saying the probability is 60%, the other expert says its 80%? Even more perplexing, what if one opinion is likely and the other very likely?
“Around 12 million people were listening, most got the joke.
Steven Pinker is an excellent writer and thinker. Perhaps his greatest contribution to our national dialogue is his insistence, backed up by considerable research, that life keeps getting better and better.
“Effective dissemination of public health messages may need to focus on a few, powerful, easily understood, uncontentious pieces of advice.
Here's where we appeared in recent days.
George Bernard Shaw released his play, Pygmalion, in 1913, although the American public would recognize it in its morphed form, My Fair Lady.
I have spent a lot of my working life, attempting to understand and communicate risk and uncertainty. The first question by many patients is, what are my chances?
It is a prime time of the year for sports. The World Series is just about to get underway, and we are just about in the middle of football’s regular season.
When the U.S. government files a patent for some off-the-wall idea, the usual suspect is DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency).
There are no shortages of controversial science, nutritional research, and nuclear power come readily to mind.
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