Policy & Ethics

As a volunteer patient advocate, I do my best to stay current on declarations of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, concerning the treatment of acute and chronic pain.  Thus I recently reviewed the CDC "Get Informed" page on p
There is widespread anticipation of the availability of vaccines to prevent COVID-19 infections so that Americans can get their lives back to some semblance of normal.
Ten years ago, federal and state governments began their crackdown on the prescribing of opioids to relieve pain.
Another day, another coronavirus controversy. Well, maybe several controversies. The latest stories keep coming so fast, that it's difficult to know what's accurate and what isn't.
An organization called Poynter Institute for Media (1) released a "Politifact" report in an
First, let me thank Peter Attia, MD, who wrote a piece that reminded me of the definitions and words I was searching for that were mostly free of emotional connotations.
In an apparent tie, the chief funders are the UK, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, followed by Germany and the US.
Last month, we reported that a Dutch journalist named Jannes van Roermund collaborated with the infamous troll and anti-GM
This article was originally published at Geopolitical Futures. The original is here.
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