"Stay home, stay safe" are currently the four (well, technically three) most obnoxious words in the English language.
Policy & Ethics
The United Kingdom just became the first Western nation to approve a coronavirus vaccine for public use.
Seven vaccine candidates are expected to pass FDA muster in the next months.
# Reprinted with permission by the Cato Institute.
It was an online survey of about 5130 physicians conducted in the last few months. Roughly 2/3rd male, and roughly a third 65 or older, a third between 50 and 65, and the remaining third younger than 50.
Why is Europe persevering in restricting the use of agricultural biotechnology and why does it renounce its benefits?
Sounds like today, right? Who can be sure if a vaccine – or indeed any treatment – works in preventing infection or death without controls?
As the coronavirus surges throughout the United States and much of the world, legitimate fears of overwhelmed hospitals and a spike in COVID-related deaths have returned. What should be done about them?
“Warp Speed” is the impossibly fast fictional space travel that exceeds the speed of light, which was popularized by the Star Trek TV series and movies. The Trump administration’s
I've written more than 75 articles about the travesty that is now our drug "policy." Many of them can be found on the ACS