Policy & Ethics

When the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced last January that drug overdoses in 2018 declined by 4.1 percent–from 70,237 in 2017 to 67,367&n
Of all the things we have lost this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic – from the people we love to the jobs that put food on the table – one of the more pernicious is the loss of faith and confidence that Americans have in their public health inst
The Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) portrays itself as a pro-science, non-profit organization that simply wants to protect endangered species. In reality, it's largely a group of lawsuit-happy lawyers.
Let's just say that things aren't going especially well in the US right now. COVID is scaring the hell out of people (and I'm sick of writing about it), there is civil unrest all over the place and there ain't gonna be no baseball.
Scientists would like to have a list of all the species on Earth. That sounds like a relatively straightforward, purely academic exercise, but it really isn't. Unfortunately, one major reason is politics.
The researchers made use of two datasets. C-Span provided information on the verified Twitter accounts of the members of the 116th Congress; Twitter’s interface provided the tweets.
Most days, the world is unfair. Bad people succeed, good people fail, and those who deserve justice never get it.
The American Medical Association was two years late to the party when it issued its first statement
Everyone I know likes to think of himself or herself as pro-science and open-minded. I don't think I've ever heard anyone proudly claim to be anti-science and closed-minded.
Peer review, especially peer review of chemical safety/risk assessments, is under assault.  Despite the fact that government agencies, industries, universities, NGOs and consulting groups recognize the added credibility that peer review bring
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