Policy & Ethics

It is commonly believed by some that the cost of care in teaching hospitals, the sites where we train future physicians, is higher than that of community hospitals that do not have the additional burden of trainees.
We at ACSH don't like to brag (1). But I'll make an exception this time. Here's why.
When asked what kept him awake at night, General James Mattis famously answered, "Nothing. I keep other people awake at night." But not everybody is as courageously confident as "Mad Dog" Mattis.
Facebook just announced that it tossed off screwball Mike Adams for "violating our policies against spam [and] us[ing] misleading or inaccurate information to collect likes, followers, or shares."
Retractions in science are a fact of life. Sometimes, the published literature is wrong, and when it is discovered, the paper is often stricken from the scientific record.
Social media in general, and Twitter in particular, is an absolute sewer pipe.
The public forum is dominated by discussions surrounding access to medical care. In part, calls for expanded “health care” abound with the term often a misnomer.
When you think about death, what sort of thoughts come to mind?
A 16-year-old girl uses her social media account to post a question: Should I kill myself? Sixty-nine percent of people who responded said yes. So she did.
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